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如果你還在考慮VegLife, 豌豆蛋白質能量奶昔,法國香草,18.9盎司(534克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~

  • Peaceful Planet - Plant Proteins
  • Gluten Free!
  • No Sugar Added!
  • Soy Free!
  • Out of This World Taste!
  • Peas & Greens - Non-GMO
  • Dietary Supplement
  • 25 g Protein
  • 髮旺旺
  • Certified Vegan
  • 100% Vegan

Imagine...a planet where the soil is fertile, the air and water are clean, all are fed, and the many human cultures celebrate their diversity, treating each other and all living things with mutual respect. In this compassionate world, Nature is treated as a community of interconnected Life.

We at VegLife are committed to helping create this "Peaceful Planet" by providing premium quality supplements free of animal by-products.

Peaceful Planet Pea Protein Energy Shake makes a great-tasting high protein drink (25 grams/serving) containing allergen-free non-GMO* pea protein and healthy organic greens. This gluten/lactose-free "meal in a glass" boasts less than 1 gram of both fat and sugars. Peaceful Planet pea protein has a very high Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS), indicating a very nutritious balance of amino acids. Pea Protein contains many amino acids, including lysine and the branched chain amino acids; isoleucine, leucine and valine. The protein is extracted without chemicals or solvents (including hexane).

Peaceful Planet Pea Protein Energy Shake features: 髮旺旺

  • 25 grams non-GMO Pea Protein
  • 100% Daily Value B6 and B12
  • Organic Greens and Fibers
  • 100% Wheat, Soy and Dairy Free!
Pea Proteins

have an excellent amino acid balance with digestibility comparable to the best animal proteins (milk and eggs) without the cholesterol. Fortunately, the FDA has not deemed pea protein a major allergen, unlike soy, wheat, milk or eggs. Yellow peas are naturally gluten-free and high in iron. This is a great benefit for those suffering from gluten sensitivities, since iron deficiency anemia is a common concern among celiacs. Vegetable proteins provide nutritive support for a healthy cardiovascular system and excellent bone health.

*Denotes non-genetically modified peas.

VegLife, 豌豆蛋白質能量奶昔,法國香草,18.9盎司(534克)





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